Friday, July 07, 2006

show mercy

I think mercy is a difficult concept to grasp. In some bible translations instead of the word mercy you will see pity. For me, the word pity has the connotation of feeling sorry for someone in a looking down your nose kind of way. I don't think that's what God had in mind.

Others like lists that specify seven acts of mercy that will help you to keep the two great commandments (love God and love one another):

The problem with lists is that you either think you can check everything off and you're done or you think the list is so long and involved that you don't even know where to begin.

So I'd like to propose a definition inspired by a song written by Sting. Showing mercy is sending your love into the future. It's an attitude in synch with the way you live your life everyday. It's putting your love out there and not expecting anything in return.


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