living gifts
Pastor John asked me to describe the process I went through to understand my gifts for ministry. If he had asked me this question a year ago, my answer would have been something like – I’d probably make a lousy Sunday School teacher and I’m not a very religious person, so I don’t think I have any gifts for ministry.
Luckily, I was curious to see if there wasn’t some way I could get involved at Peace and took a course Pastor John offered on understanding God’s design for me in church.
I remember that one of the first things we were asked to do was identify our passion. For me that’s technology. I still couldn’t imagine what this had to do with ministry. It wasn’t until we broke into small groups and discussed our passions that I began to see the possibilities through others eyes.
Further prodding and exposure to various uses of technology at conferences set me on my way. Along the way, I’ve discovered gifts that I did not know I had. Like when Pastor John wanted to start using sermon slides. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it has involved learning how to do image editing.
Even if you don’t have any idea what your ministry gifts might be, I encourage you to investigate the possibilities. Attend a membership with meaning class, the leadership summit, a conference or ask someone how your passion might be used in ministry.